More convenience. More privacy. More streamlined.
You can shop any time of day or night in Apy’s retail stores, located in close proximity to your home. It’s the convenience and privacy of online shopping without having to wait for deliveries.
It’s super simple to get started and start shopping. Here's how:
To sign up, you’ll just need a credit card or debit card. Once you’re all signed up you can enter ApyStores.
Scan your app to enter the store and shop away! Our AI knows what you’ve selected - no need to scan the item.
Your account is automatically charged when you exit the store or close the vending machine door.
Every time you shop you’ll earn points that can be spent in ApyApp stores and participating retailers.
Payment is just as flexible and easy as the Apy shopping experience. You can choose to pay via your credit card, rewards points or Themis Codes (for lab related purchases).
There's no limit to the types of products available in apy stores. You'll find everything from convenience items to chemicals for science students.
Supplies for research students - everything you need including PPE, hardware, chemicals, lab equipment and stationery
Snack happy at our many vending machines with sweet and savoury treats
Get all the convenience items you need - bread, milk, dishwashing liquid - anything you'd find in a convenience store, you'll find it in ApyStores