no tap, just go!

Even quicker than tap & go, ApyApp is checkoutless shopping that’s fast, fun and rewarding.

What we do

moving at the speed of life.

It doesn’t get any faster than Apy. You simply scan your app to enter Apy retail stores, collect what you need and leave - your account will be charged automatically. No queues, no waiting, just effortless, secure and private shopping.

How it works

mobile app

ApyApp uses an ecosystem of mobile apps, an API, and a Machine Learning model that allows users to buy all sorts of items, including groceries, hardware and chemicals, without the traditional checkouts.

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The future of retail has begun at two key locations - Melbourne University and in the town of Tumut in NSW. These two stores operate without staff thanks to cutting edge and secure tech including machine learning and smart IoT devices.

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It all works thanks to the genius of ApyShelf - kinda like a vending machine powered by weight censored shelves, which can be dry or refrigerated. This system is extremely secure - providing retailers with optimum confidence

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See how we’re making our current customers happy.

  • As a busy university student, ApyStores are a lifesaver. I can get the chemicals I need whenever I need them, so I can carry on with my projects any time of day.
    James Anderson
  • So imagine a vending machine, but you don’t need to press buttons. Like Scan’n’go but you don’t need to wait in the queue.
    Joe Hart
  • Finally, we can work on our projects when we want and get all the supplies we need 24/7. This will accelerate our research a notch.
    Benjamin Ho
  • A truly inspiring concept. You walk in, take whatever you need, and just go on with your day. Saves time and effort. 
    Joel Hillier 
© 2023 ApyApp Pty Ltd
ABN 57 648 712 476